Sunday, September 21, 2008

Whom to vote? - problems faced by the two U.S precidential candidates.

Today I was just going through some current news online, when I came across this piece of news. The news was relating to the current presidential elections going on in the United States Of America. The article talked about how Barack Obama is suffering in polls because of racial discrimination. The article says, "The poll, conducted with Stanford University, suggests that the percentage of voters who may turn away from Obama because of his race could easily be larger than the final difference between the candidates in 2004 — about two and one-half percentage points." It also says that, "one-third of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks — many calling them "lazy," "violent" or responsible for their own troubles."

This current situation is a perfect example of stereotyping. Just because he is a black he is subjected to adjectives such as being lazy and violent. Later on the article also says that racial discrimination is not the biggest factor that is affecting Obama's votes- "Race is not the biggest factor driving Democrats and independents away from Obama. Doubts about his competency loom even larger, the poll indicates. More than a quarter of all Democrats expressed doubt that Obama can bring about the change they want, and they are likely to vote against him because of that." Regardless of this fact, the article points out that, "Statistical models derived from the poll suggest that Obama's support would be as much as 6 percentage points higher if there were no white racial prejudice." In the field of politics this 6 percent points of support also makes a huge difference. It would definetly be wrong if people do not vote for Obama only based on the fact that he is a black.

On the other hand, the other contestant of the current elections,
Republican John McCain is suffering in the polls due to the fact that he is closely acquainted with the current President of the United States Of America. The article says, "He's an ally of an unpopular president and would be the nation's oldest first-term president." Here is an example of how we are judged by the people based on our interpersonal relationships. Even if it is true that we are influenced by the people we acquaint with, it is unfair that we are judged completely based on this fact.

I think that people should consider all the aspects of both the competitors before making any decisions. it is very important to keep aside all the prejudices and look at the situation from an open-minded perspective.

For the entire article go to:-


sexquisiteprincess♥ said...

hey shivani! (:
totally agreed, before making such a big decision as such, one should definitely take and objective view, and consider both sides. this is not only good in making decisions, but also important in reducing miscommunication. considering both sides helps one to understand the other side, and what way better to make decisions, on what to say or do, then that.

Anonymous said...

i really like this blog entry too!!! and i totally agree with you. this is a perfect example of stereotyping and prejudices. people are prejudiced against both the candidates because one is a black and the other a friend of the current president. and prejudices could be a major reason for faulty decision making.

but it is also an example of how different people perceive the same things or people differently based on the different qualities that they have. like for example as in the article some might perceive that the candidate is not appropriate because he is of a particular race or acquainted with a particular person. on the other hand some people judge them on how they talk what are their opinions, like from the debates they have. so from this we can also say that perception is also a part of decision making. good or bad.

Anonymous said...

yes it is indeed very important to be unbiased in making decisions as important as these. the lives and fates of all the people in America depends on who is elected. it is not a laughing matter!

Anonymous said...

hey jen!! what you say is true and that the decision making not only is dependent on one's stereotypes and prejudices but also on one's perception of their surroundings and people in them.

Anonymous said...

yeah and all these perceptions are influenced by various factors such as culture and also the people whom you interact with!!! like your decision about someone new in school would be influenced by your peers.

Shivani said...

hey guys there is another factor that we should consider. the role of mass media in influencing our perception and decision making is also very important.

Shivani said...

and another thing is that (not in this case) but in some other cases stereotypes could be either positive or negative. but prejudices are always negative in any situation.

Anonymous said...

hey but in spite of all the prejudices Obama won. and what more he also created history.