Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sports - a good career or bad?

Sports has always been an excellent form of recreation. But what about taking up one as a career? Even though these days the number of people taking up sports as a career have increased, still there is a certain kind of reluctance in many families about letting their young ones be a sportsperson. There could be many reason for this reluctance. Some cultures have a very conservative approach towards sports. It is only to be played for fun and is not meant to earn a living. People of this belief could argue that it involves a lot of investment and there is an uncertainty in the amount of returns one will receive. Even in schools sports sports activities are regarded as extra-curricular activity and has a secondary status.

To promote sports as a profession, sports competition winners around the world are rewarded heavily in cash. Not only this, but sports persons have also earned themselves a great amount of respect from their audience. Even governments are funding sports events generously. Even recently, the Olympics held at Beijing was an excellent show of the grandeur of sports events.

Through all this, these people are trying to communicate that after all sports is not a bad option or career.


lexicon09 said...

Hey i completly agree with you that sports should be looked at as a career rather than a leisure activity.

However, how feasible is it that the sportsperson gets paid so much to get him to play the game while the money can be used in a much better way!

It can be used to solve issues such as global warming, ozone holes, cancer etc or even eradicate poverty!

But that is my point of view!!! :)

Rach said...

I personally feel that sports can be a good career if u're good at the sport you do. Take for instance Tiger Woods, Roger Federer, Ronaldo, etc.. They have taken sports as a career and excel in what they do. Earning so much just by winning a tournament or/and getting endorsements. These people later get extra income by doing advertisements. Their image has to be one that is healthy as they are expected to set a good example for others who want and try to follow in their footsteps.

Shivani said...


Well about the money being put for a better cause is a completely different issue. My whole point about writing this particular article was to show that how people related to the field of sports are actually trying to communicate to the world that sports could be a very earning career if one has the potential. The salaries of the current sports celebrities is very suggestive of this fact. Its also true that sports boards are doing this by investing a lot of money into making grand sports events and some might argue that this money could be used for something else. But as I said that would be starting a completely new debate.

Shivani said...

Hey Rach,

Yeah that a very good point indeed that other than their tournament earnings they also earn extra income through endorsements. This gives them a celebrity status as well. And this is another factor which could inspire more and more people to take up sports as a career.

Anonymous said...

Sports as a career would require a lot of determination and a true passion of the sport.It could have a small career span too. So sports has not accquired a popularity as a good proffessional career option.

If we change our attitude towards sports and think it as a lifeskill provider, which it is actually,then we could see a lot of them taking up sport as a career.These days one must have skills to live life fully and courageously.Sports is a good teacher regards this.

Anonymous said...

Sports is a creative field !!! So much is there to be done yet. The problem is with the demand.Demand will drive the sport as a good career option.

Nowadays there is a great money involved in sports titles all over the world.If more and more big companies sponser sportsmen and encourage sporting talents then parents wont hesitate giving their children a choice.Slowly the trend will catch up in this globalised market.