Sunday, October 5, 2008


I am a huge fan of the series on Starworld named "FRIENDS". It is a brilliantly made series. Everything about the series is amazing- the direction, the story line and ofcourse the actors!!! For those of you who don't know about this series, its a series about the lives of six friends and their relationship with each other. It stars Jennifer Aniston (Rachael), Courteney Cox (Monica), Lisa Kudro (Pheobe), Matt Le Blance (Joe), Matthew Perry (Chandler) and David Schwimmer (Ross). As it talks about six friends and their lives you can guess that it involves a lot of interpersonal and group communication.

"FRIENDS" airs Monday to Thursday, two episodes back to back from 8pm to 9pm and these episodes are repeated on Saturday and Sunday in a marathon of 5 episodes per day. This weekend as I was watching the third season and episodes 15, 16 and 17 caught my eye. The major theme behind these episodes being the conflict in the interpersonal relationship of Ross and Rachael and its effects on the group and vise-a-versa

'Interpersonal communication' is defined in the book "Thinking Through Communication" by Sarah Trenholm, as 'in a sense, all communication is interpersonal, because it occurs between people. The term interpersonal communication, however, is generally reserved for two-person, face-to-face interaction and is often used interchangeably with the term dyadic communication.' and in the same book 'group' is defined as "a special kind of entity. It is a collection of individuals who, as a result of interacting with one another over time, become interdependent, developing shared patterns of behavior and a collective identity."After watching these particular episodes I realized that interpersonal relations develop in groups and conflicts between these relations also affects the group along with the ndividuals involved.

Lets start off by watching all the three episodes, here are the links:
Episode 15 , parts 1-3

Episode 16, parts 1-3

Episode 17, part 1-3

As you could see in episode 15 the conflict between Ross and R
achael has started. The major cause for their conflict could be identified as lack of time, as Ross complains that Rachael is too busy in her work and does not find time for them these days (also on their anniversary). After Ross's failed attempts at celebrating their anniversary together they enter into a heated argument during which they use terms such as I, me, you rather that us, we. This a sign that their relationship is in the first stage of dissolution according to Knapp's Relationship Development Model. This stage is known as the differentiating stage where the couple starts to point out each others faults which were previously overlooked.
Knapp's Relationship Development Model

As we move on from episode 15 to 16 we could see that their relationship has established a regressive spiral. Here one thing leads to the other and so on, until the relationship is terminated completely. Because Ross thinks that Rachael is with Mark and that his and Rachael's relationship is temporarily over he sleeps with another women. After committing such a mistake we usually tend to seek help from our group of friends, and that is what Ross did. He sought help from Chandler and Joe, who advise him not to tell Rachael anything. Because of this advise Ross tries every way of keeping it form her but the truth finally leaks through the grapevine and Rachael finds out from someone else. This finally leads to the termination of their relationship. Here is an example of how group advise sometimes leads to increase of conflict in interpersonal relationship. Another thing that could be observed here is that their relationship has jumped a few stages of dissolution (namely circumscribing, stagnation and avoiding). Such skipping of stages happens in many cases. Depending on the nature of the conflict the stages that the couple goes through differs every time.

In this particular situation we can also apply Duck's relational dissolution model which consists of four different phases of relationship dissolution. These four phases are; intrapsychic, dyadic, social and grave-dressing phase. In episode 16 where Rachael comes to know that Ross has slept with another women is the intrapsychic phase. The dyadic phase is where they both confront and talk about it and come to a common consensus of breaking-up. The third phase , known as the social phase is where they make it public that they no longer are a couple. The fourth and the final phase, that is the grave-dressing phase is where they decide that they no longer are going to talk to each other or be together.

Now moving on to the effect of the conflict on the group. The effects are quite evident in the 17th episode. When groups are formed the members become interdependent on each other and hence one persons actions in the group affect all the others in the group. If even one member of the group is unhappy it make the entire group unhappy. It is the same in the case of "FRIENDS" where everyone seems to be unhappy because of the break-up. As both Ross and Rachael are equally close to them, it becomes very difficult for Pheobe, Monica, Chandler and Joe to distribute their time equally with each of them. We can see this when each Ross and Rachael offer to spend the weekend with them and they have to go with the one that asked them first and leave the other behind. This creates nothing but tension in the group. It creates a situation where if they go out with one person and the other shows up then it makes it awkward for them. This can also threaten the existence of the group, as Phoebe points out that if both Ross and Rachael do not agree to be in each others company and behave in a civil manner then their group could dissolve.

From all of this we could see that interpersonal relationships and groups are closely linked to each other. Faulty communication in one could lead to faulty communication in the other. When close interpersonal relationships develop within a group, then a conflict in the relationship could affect the group.


Zed Ngoh said...

wow, you sure do pay attention in class. on another note, i also enjoyed the series. i never got to catch it properly on the telly, so i collected the entire 10 seasons and watched it. took me 3 months, i think.

that aside, i also find it interesting how we, the viewers managed to created a relationship with the actors. this is evident on the last episode, where there was not a single dry eye in the audience. even i, was tempted to shed some.

i guess that is the power of TV media.

Anonymous said...

yeah this is an amazing series and you have really written an interesting entry using all the communication theories. as the name ("FRIENDS") suggests, it deals with a lot of interpersonal relationships and of course group culture.

another interesting example of interpersonal relationships in one of the episodes that you have put up is the where Pheobe is dating this guy who can't speak english and how it limits the further development of their relationship. it is also hilarious to see all the intimate moments between them spoiled by his interpreter!!!

Shivani said...

hey zed,

yeah even i couldn't catch the series on the t.v. so even i collected the entire series. it so worth it!!

yeah i agree with you after watching the entire series we do connect with the actors in some way or other. and not only do we connect with them but also sometimes adopt their ways without knowing. for example, we might use some words or phrase that they use.

the t.v media also has the power to make us buy things whether we need it or not. if our favorite celebrity is endorsing something then our decision to buy that particular product is definitely influenced by that endorsement.

Shivani said...

hey jen,

really appreciate your comments. and i am glad that you liked my blog entry.

yeah that episode is quite funny. thanx for pointing that out. it is a rather interesting observation. yeah that particular part shows how faulty communication is a cause for the failure for many interpersonal relationships. and you also need your space for the development of a relationship, but the presence of the interpreter in the case of pheobe was bad.

Anonymous said...

hey, here is another fan of 'friends'. i absolutely love the series. i have watched it a million times!

your interpretations are quite interesting and there are some very amusing discussions as well. there is another point that struck me regarding the pheobe and her boyfriend who can't speak english. according to me there are other ways of communicating other than the use of words. like for the example when he wants to kiss her he says it in spanish (i guess), and pheobe understands because he makes a move towards kissing her. so at that point there was no need for the interpreter.

Shivani said...

yeah it is really a good point that you made and probably that's where we can talk about non-verbal cues. there are many instances where the non-verbal cues come into play like facial expressions (affect displays), whereby a person reveals his/her feelings non-verbally.

Anonymous said...

hey the non-verbal cues part is a very good point. well i have something to say here but it might be a bit away from the topic:) well i was just thinking about movies that a based on a novel. taking all the hundreds of pages of the novel and turning them into a 2 hour movie, is definitely a tough job.

all the actors in the movies, have to resort to all these 'non-verbal cues' to communicate with the audience the feelings or thought of the character that are so clearly and elaborately described in the novel. getting these emotions right is a very difficult. and doing them wrong would actually communicate a different message than was intended.

Shivani said...

well jen, i think that's why many times the movies are a big disappointment as compared to the novels. many times these emotions are not captured properly by the actors and this alters the story and spoils the charm of the novel!!! even though i am a movie addict, i mostly get disappointed by the movies that are based on the novels that i have previously read.

Yash K said...

I can NOT believe you just analyzed Ross and Rachel's relationship. I just call them "the annoying ones" and leave it at that.

Anyway, you never told me you had a blog! *hurt face*

But now I know, so, HI! ^_^

Shivani said...

Hey, as you would have realized that blog writing is not one of my talents that I would like to flaunt. This blog was a result of a necessity for one of my class assignments.:-)

Well yeah even I have no idea how I managed to analyze Ross and Rachael's relationship!!! Lol!!! I don't know how you don't like them :0 I find the pair quite adorable.

And I know I am probably the worst person ever!!! I still haven't commented on your blog. But I have read a couple of them. I am gonna get started right away.