The power of mass media has never failed to amaze me. It can prove very useful to both the sender and the receiver. For the sender its beneficial as it a means of communicating or publicizing certain information they wish to deliver. And for the receiver it can prover very informative sometimes. Media has far reaching effects on all of us who are on the receiving end of the messages conveyed by the mass media. This influence not only plays an important role in our decision making, but also shapes our perspective on various people and issues and also regularly modifies our lifestyles in many ways. Even our culture sometimes is influenced by the media.
There are different types of media- namely, the television media, the print media and the radio broadcast media. There are certain characteristics of all these types of media. Firstly, they all have 'invisible receivers' who are large, heterogeneous and anonymous. The media cannot individualize messages and their communication with the audience could be terminated at the will of the audience. Also another characteristic we should take into consideration is that all the different types of media use different technologies to send and receive messages.
Now that we have discussed the different types of media and their characteristics, lets talk about its influences on us- the audience. Just yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine and he mentioned that on of his friends said that he was acting like 'Dr. House' form the television series called 'HOUSE' which airs on Star World. When I asked him that why did his friend made such a comment, he said that because he was being very blunt and rude like Dr. House. It struck me that this was not the first time that i have heard someone refer to a famous character to describe someone's behavior. It is very often that we resort to such means of describing someone or something. It is because the globalization of media has brought the world together and we all commonly relate to most of them, despite of our cultural differences.
The media also influences our decision making. The media uses different strategies like, famous figures, credible sources, appropriate data and statistics which appeals to different aspects of different audiences. Your decision depends on what influences you, credible sources and information (appeals to one's logic) or celebrity endorsing the product (appeals to one's emotions).
Media influences us in both good and bad ways. Media plays a big role in the formation of our perceptions. For example if we watch a movie where the very handsome lead actor is seen smoking in a very stylish manner, the we start to believe that smoking is very hip and we should do it as well (this is a bad influence). On the other hand, if a famous celebrity talks on T.V about how smoking is bad for your health and not cool at all then you immediately might stop it. This proves how media constantly manipulates our perception and with that our habits.
There are different types of media- namely, the television media, the print media and the radio broadcast media. There are certain characteristics of all these types of media. Firstly, they all have 'invisible receivers' who are large, heterogeneous and anonymous. The media cannot individualize messages and their communication with the audience could be terminated at the will of the audience. Also another characteristic we should take into consideration is that all the different types of media use different technologies to send and receive messages.
Now that we have discussed the different types of media and their characteristics, lets talk about its influences on us- the audience. Just yesterday I was talking to a friend of mine and he mentioned that on of his friends said that he was acting like 'Dr. House' form the television series called 'HOUSE' which airs on Star World. When I asked him that why did his friend made such a comment, he said that because he was being very blunt and rude like Dr. House. It struck me that this was not the first time that i have heard someone refer to a famous character to describe someone's behavior. It is very often that we resort to such means of describing someone or something. It is because the globalization of media has brought the world together and we all commonly relate to most of them, despite of our cultural differences.
The media also influences our decision making. The media uses different strategies like, famous figures, credible sources, appropriate data and statistics which appeals to different aspects of different audiences. Your decision depends on what influences you, credible sources and information (appeals to one's logic) or celebrity endorsing the product (appeals to one's emotions).
Media influences us in both good and bad ways. Media plays a big role in the formation of our perceptions. For example if we watch a movie where the very handsome lead actor is seen smoking in a very stylish manner, the we start to believe that smoking is very hip and we should do it as well (this is a bad influence). On the other hand, if a famous celebrity talks on T.V about how smoking is bad for your health and not cool at all then you immediately might stop it. This proves how media constantly manipulates our perception and with that our habits.